Waste-to-Energy Plant

A2A S.p.A.
Naples, Italy
Architectural design, structural design

The project developed is competition for the construction and management of a waste-to energy plant.
The plant is composed by three MSW lines, with a continuous nominal thermal power of 84.33 MW for each line. This means that an equivalent of a mass between 450.000 e 750.000 tons/year of waste that can be used in order to produce this amount of thermal power. The plant covers a lot of 105.000 sqm located in the city of Ponticelli (NA).
The complex is made of various buildings: boiler and ashes treatment/flue gas filtering, a discharging hall; a waste bunker; a turbine building, some subsidiary buildings, garages, offices, control room, visitor center and the reception
From an architectural point of view, the buildings are designed with the focus to minimize the visual impact with the surrounding environment. The main purpose is, in the meanwhile, the development of a new landmark for the contemporary urban-landscape.

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