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EIB Sports Hall
This project is the requalification of the EIB fair pavilion and its conversion into a modern sports hall. The building was built in the 60s as part of the Brescia’s fair complex. During the 80s it was converted into a sport hall, that is no longer compliant with the structural, acoustic regulations and in general with the sport hall standards.
For these reasons, it has been decided to demolish the former structure, and to rebuilt a new sport hall, which will be built on the same premises.
This allow to create a modern sports hall, able to accommodate about 5.000 spectator, that can be adapted for different type of sports, but also for concerts, and entertaining events. The building, free from the constraints imposed by an existing structure, is able to fulfil all the requirements regarding the energy efficiency, the internal and external quality, and also with the possibility to host many sport disciplines.