TEEM Tangenziale Esterna Milano Motorway

Tangenziale Esterna S.p.A.
Milan, Italy
Architectural design, structural design

This project is part of a larger intervention, the TEEM (Tangenziale Est Esterna Milano) that runs from South to North, from the A1 Motorway (Milan-Bologna) to the A4 (Milan-Venice). It was created in order to lighten the road traffic that the current Milan ring road has to absorb. In this context come out the toll booths: Vizzolo Predabissi, Paullo with the supporting facilities storage, Pozzuolo, Gessate and Pessano with Bornago. The project is characterized by a unified design expressed by the dynamic volumetric elements (buildings) and the canopies which become an integral part of this general system.
The new buildings, the administrative building and the technological building are separated by a patio-garden located next to toll stations. There are connected by a system of metal shelters partially overlapped and staggered in plan and in elevation. These elements characterize the buildings and fit into the overall design of outdoor spaces.


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